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LOOSE (CHAINS) CHANGE — Future Money Final Grant Report #1

Project Update

We are thrilled to report significant progress on the Loose Chains Change project during the funding period supported by the Interledger Foundation’s generous Future|Money grant. As you all know, this project envisions a series of large-scale multimedia tapestries crafted from a unique and powerful material: leather and used lottery tickets collected from marginalized residents within Brooklyn, particularly in Crown Heights.

Progress on Objectives (KPI’s) (progress on project)

Our original proposal outlined several key objectives for the Loose Chains Change project. We are happy to report substantial progress on each, with some exciting evolutions along the way.

Material Acquisition and Community Engagement: Our initial goal was to collect 20,000 used lottery tickets from Crown Heights residents. Thanks to your funding, we were able to implement a comprehensive outreach program, exceeding our target with a total of 25,342 tickets collected. This process not only provided the raw material for the tapestries but also fostered important conversations with 44 community members. We compensated each participant for their contributions, with cash, clothing, food, and MTA Metrocards.

Tapestry Creation: The proposal envisioned a large-scale tapestry reaching 10 feet in length. We are proud to announce that the artwork has surpassed this goal, currently measuring an impressive 25 feet in length. The intricate design incorporates the collected lottery tickets, effectively transforming them into a powerful artistic statement.

Financial Empowerment Education (Evolved Objective): While not explicitly outlined in the original proposal, fostering financial literacy and empowerment within the community emerged as a crucial project objective. We are excited to announce that additional funding from the Brooklyn Arts Council in 2025 allows us to address this goal directly. In collaboration with CAMBA Community Center, we will be developing a one-month workshop series focused on financial literacy and engagement.

We are incredibly thankful for the support provided by the Interledger Foundation in the initial stages of this project. Their grant funding played a vital role in propelling the Loose Chains Change initiative forward, and the project's ongoing success would not be possible without their investment.

Short video

What’s Next?

With the continued support we have received, we are confident that the Loose Chains Change project will reach even greater heights. This work just received 2 new grants to support Loose Chains Change from Brooklyn Arts Council. We are thrilled to leverage these funds to build a one-month workshop series with CAMBA Community Center for financial literacy and engagement. This exciting collaboration will directly address the project's mission by providing valuable financial knowledge and resources to the community we aim to empower.

The tapestry will continue to serve as a
focal point and conversation starter, while the workshops will provide practical tools and information. Together, these elements will create a comprehensive approach to financial empowerment within Black and Brown communities.

Community Support

Follow us at LCC Instagram
& Donate to this growing initiative at Our Paypal Donation Page

All the support is needed! 
We are looking for fundraising support & sponsors to donate lottery tickets,money, clothing, food, & metro cards that can be exchanged with our Community Liaisons for the dedicated work they contribute to this project. Know someone in need of our services or interested in being a Community Liasion or Community Lottery Recycling Center, email at atelier@mwrcollection

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