The Interledger Community 🌱

Zach Johnson
Zach Johnson

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Anemoia: Scenes from the Future β€” ILF Grant Final Report

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Brief Project Description

Anemoia is a portrait of the near-future that asks challenging questions about access: who gets what they need and why? or how to utilize access and privilege for the benefit of all?

Like The Twilight Zone and La Jetee, two prime inspirations, Anemoia uses a sci-fi premise to explore not outer space, but inner space--human issues that, even with recent technological advances, are as old as time. As we "advance," it's important to explore the impact of advancement. The cost of it. Is it really advancement if those that need access the most still don't get it? What is the psychological toll of deprivation to access that could change your life? Allow you to follow your dreams?

Anemoia imagines a future where humanity receives a simple gift--an access--that becomes complicated by humanity's tendency to divide itself. That's the commentary: how access can be wielded very differently in different hands.

Project Update

We're nearing picture lock in the coming weeks: based on actor/crew schedules, we have a final pickup day with a skeleton crew to shoot a small scene that ties the film together.

This will complete principal photography and we will move into post-production with vendors we've secured: final sound/ADR mixing, score composition, color grading, and vfx.

We intend to have the film fully complete by end of August, at which point we'll begin our festival run.

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Project Impact & Target Audience(s)

We strive for well-written story, strong characters, and representation in all our work. Story comes first, and we populate our narratives with characters not typically seen in genre fare. We uphold this missive behind the camera as well, employing talented BIPOC cast & crew whenever possible.

Anemoia is no exception. It's an ensemble piece with characters entering from a wide spectrum of culture, ethnicity, and background, all coming together to face a force that refuses to let them remain divided. Our crew is equally diverse, with Afro-Latinx culture front and center.

This gives Anemoia an organic appeal to wide audiences, and particularly those seen in prominent character arcs. We feel that depicting BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ characters in central roles, with a sci-fi premise that centers around access, is a perfect way for us to reach people who love thought-provoking science fiction that reflects contemporary issues, while not having seen themselves in the work before.

From the beginning, we've understood Interledger as a tech-based collective dedicated to mitigating financial inequity. And while we can't code an internet protocol to save our lives, as artists we seek to build bridges between imagination and reality.

We hope Anemoia and our fellow grantee projects inspire through creativity the drive to solve real problems--to bring theory and philosophy to the world of practical solutions.

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Communications and Marketing

We have not discussed our project publicly yet, though we have created an Instagram page to tease its release, with a full website page dedicated to it, as well as an IMDB page that credits our cast & crew.

We want to have the finished piece to begin screening at film festivals and do press runs through those channels as we release publicly.

What’s Next?

As mentioned above, once the film is complete, we'll begin our festival run, traveling where we need to to best represent the film and its aims.

We obviously hope it sparks conversations in the audience, and interest for potential expanded form from production companies. It's a big story, far more than its current 15-minute runtime -- and we'd love to tell more stories within this fascinating, challenging world.

Community Support

We appreciate Interledger's support in the process, as well as that of our fellow grantees. It's been a journey, and this project has had sincere feedback from all, as well as a real connection to other artists working in different mediums that still bring creative sensibilities to our endeavor; and we hope we had that same impact on the rest of the group.

From peer filmmakers to pottery artists to 3-D printers, it was a real joy to listen and learn from other creatives, particularly with a central theme of equity, access, and inclusion.

We couldn't have asked for a better opportunity or focus for our own creative aims.

Additional Comments

We're very excited to release the project in final form very soon!

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An almost complete circle double rainbow we shot while on location -- it looks SOOO cool in Black-and-white in the film!!

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