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Cover image for 'Empathy' - new African speculative fiction by Cheryl Ntumy on
Gavin Chait for Qwyre

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'Empathy' - new African speculative fiction by Cheryl Ntumy on

Qwyre is starting 2023 with the release of Empathy, a new work of African speculative fiction by Ghanaian writer, Cheryl Ntumy.

Cover for 'Empathy' of a pink rose fading into a pure black background

In Empathy, a mother tries to save her son from himself in this haunting tale set at the brutal intersection of alien intelligence and humanity.

Cheryl's work is monetised and you can read it here.

Qwyre is a streaming payments platform for collaborative publishing, and an ereader, and received a grant from the Interledger Foundation. Tap left or right on the page to go forwards or back.

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