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Oliver Sauter
Oliver Sauter

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Memex β€” Update #7 - June '21

About the Project

Memex.Social enables people to better collaborate in doing online research and get paid for curating quality content.
In one product you have:

  • Reddit's collaborative curation of web content
  • Google Doc's (collaborative) highlights on every website & PDF
  • Pocket's ease of saving and highlighting content

10min Speed run of all features: Watch >>

Project Update

New Features:

In-page annotations and replies Watch Demo Video

You can now have conversations about websites & PDFs while reading, without switching contexts.
Doing so by viewing and replying the annotations of collections you follow while reading the associated content.
This is a big step towards our vision of collaborative online research.

Screen Shot 2021-06-07 at 15.03.55

Operational Updates

We are almost ready to launch our research report together with our $150 2-year plan presale. Our goal is to raise 100k from our users by converting ~700 users to pay us 2 years in advance.
Launch is next Monday.

In Progress

Moving Memex to the cloud

We started working on making Memex a cloud-first product with offline-support. This will enable automated backups and multi-device sync, our most requested feature and key to becoming a scalable and profitable product.
First prototype expected within the next month.

Launching a new pricing model

Historically Memex was way too inexpensive with only $3.5 per month. By developing our research report it became clear that our initial target group is people that spend between $50-200 on their knowledge tools and are power users. With the launch of the cloud-first infrastructure and further improvements on the collaboration workflows, we will increase the price to $10/month.

Next Steps

Collaborative Annotation workflow on Offline PDFs

Our user research has shown that one of the most important workflows that is currently unserved by the entire market is co-curating and collaboratively annotating PDFs.
More so, the support for location independent identification of those PDFs is crucial, because mostly people download PDFs to their computer and read in the browser where identification by url is not possible anymore.
It opens a huge opportunity for us to onboard people using Memex for academic research or business R&D.

Open Collaboration

One of the biggest blockers users identified for using Memex's Collaboration Features is the inability to collaborate with people not using Memex.
Therefore it is crucial to develop ways of having a Figma/Google Docs-like experience for Memex users to co-curate and annotate content in a web based interface.
This could be done by developing a bookmarklet or a Via-Service (similar to to view, create and reply to annotations made on pages without having Memex installed

Enabling Collection subscriptions, like Substack.

From our interviews with our creator community in the personal knowledge management space, Substack newsletter authors and bloggers (with about 500k followers), we've seen a big demand for having monetizable collections.
Once we have honed our cloud and collaboration experience we'd like to develop a first prototype of people being able to monetize their collections.

Top comments (1)

gyuri profile image
Gyuri Lajos • Edited

Sad to see you go cloud-first.

Could still go WebNative instead, and would not need to go up market so much.

I do understand how difficult it is to promote interoperability as a core value.

If you go WebNative with anything you offer would be born interoperable with anything else.
Very much the ethos of Memex as I admired 2 years ago.
I really liked world-brain's original ethos.
First WorldBrain turned off the most valuable feature:
indexing every page.

Now MEMEX is leaving the biggest most undeserved market,
affordable Personal First Annotated Networked Tools for Thought.

You are right about "co-curating and collaboratively annotating PDFs"

It is important
as is the ability to collaborate with people not using the annotation tool.

That's where @TrailMarks is going offline-first and WebNative