Dear community,
Free Music Archive needs your help!
As you may know we facilitate independent musicians around the world to connect directly with people in need for music. Part of this journey is to develop as many relevant monetization models as possible.
This year we are stepping up our game. Together with you hopefully.
Help needed: Who can recommend a super easy, highly adaptable and secure e-identity system so we can verify and certify 'rightsholders' (aka composers and performing artists)?
User experience: Musician visits his/her profile page on Free Music Archive and is asked to verify his/her identity. In return - after successfully going through the steps - we will reward the artist with a 'verified by FMA' badge.
The verification process should be done by a trusted third party preferably. I can think of two options:
The trusted third party already did a KYC process (ID card, face and document verification). So FMA will use their tooling to authenticate the person on FMA. This could work for FMA artists who already have an account with this partner.
The trusted third party integrates a tool on FMA to onboard and verify the artist. This should be accessible for all FMA artists anywhere in the world. And if one party can't guarantee this coverage we could offer a screen with multiple KYC verification partners.
What we don't want is a script to verify a musician simply by sending them a confirmation email to click on. We want the same or even higher level of verification as international banks apply. The outcome should be that 'verified by FMA' has true value to any stakeholder helping the artist to monetize their creative IP in the future.
Ideas? Suggestions? Companies and initiatives we should be aware of? We would love to hear from you!
Keep up the good work,
Top comments (4)
Here are a few of the IDaas I found. I think Veriff works for the digital wallet Uphold.
I can't recommend any particular KYC companies, having used none and there being so many. I asked in a #platformcoop community a few months back if there was any user-owned / cooperative KYC service ( but got no suggestions.
It feels most KYC is targetted around financial services, and quite a few seem to have some overlap with big data / advertising business models. I'd welcome recommendations on who's 'good' too! Do know if services like Tunecore and Songtradr do it internally or with a third party?
It strikes me that there are other models for KYC-type services that can improve trust:
Sorry - I've not really answered your question! - but I'm interested in this too, and curious to learn of other approaches.
Thanks Nic. It is helpful. I will post some KYC services I spotted last week.