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Let's discuss the Rafiki announcement!

Chris Lawrence on May 26, 2021

Coil had a big announcement today. Uchi broke it down in his post with links to Stefan Thomas' announcement post and the code repo. We are curiou...
radhyr profile image

Is this based on and I enjoyed playing around with the demos a few months ago, especially since I noticed the payment in could go straight to browser's native UI when service workers in is being activated. I see how smooth the payments are but honestly I wouldn't have expecting them to make Rafiki goes beyond mere demos for Interledger payment. Kudos to the team!

This could change a lot of things to be sure! For casual devs like me we don't have many tools to play around with the payment close to OpenPayments standard till now. I have been waiting for something like this to happen for about a year now, so much that I even prepared a dummy UI for this!
ILP Payment

chrislarry profile image
Chris Lawrence

@uchibeke do you know if these Rafiki's are connected?

uchibeke profile image
Uchi Uchibeke

Yes, they are. The new Rafiki will builds on some of the work that the team did with the old Rafiki but with some improvements and ease of integration. Stefan puts it better in his response here

radhyr profile image
Radhy • Edited

Given that Rafiki is one of projects that closest for us to use OpenPayments standard, do we have any ongoing discussions on how to implement revenue share with it?

I'm pretty sure we wouldn't be seeing another simple workaround like Probabilistic Revenue Sharing on Web Monetization API that could be implemented on Rafiki, especially in mandate/subscribtion use cases where long term payment will be committed to one specified payment pointer address. At the moment I can't think of any revshare solutions to this without having to go through a temporary wallet which later the funds inside could be distributed to contributors on regular basis (programmatically via cron job or on demand). However, this makes us dependent on wallet providers to roll out features at some extent (can be partially or completely closed-source and limiting potential contributions/solutions from the community), and also, currently we don't have any transparent "open source"-like wallet for Interledger Γ  la OpenCollective that manage funds for contributors/community that could receive payments via WM API/Rafiki-based payments to be distributed to contributors.

I'm hoping to see if there's any progress on revshare via Rafiki (or any OpenPayments implementation tools). Should we create a separate thread solely discussing on revenue sharing on Rafiki, perhaps?

chrislarry profile image
Chris Lawrence

Sure start a new thread for that!

radhyr profile image

Will do πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

yawnxyz profile image
Jan Zheng

I'm incredibly excited for this move! After reading through the other grant reports it definitely seems like this would be more useful for niche projects and communities, as we don't need to design for massive scale and users anymore.

bcm profile image
Ben Marshall

A game changer... We're excited to explore Rafiki further!

end3r profile image
Andrzej Mazur

We've been waiting for something like this for some time now, fingers crossed for the development and can't wait to see it live!

cyberdees profile image

This made me chuckle...

DO NOT use npm install, this will cause the project to spontaneously self-destruct.

antoniotalarico profile image
Antonio Talarico

Love this. The necessary step forward needed. Especially in being able to chose amounts for the transactions. Upward and onward!

blackforestboi profile image
Oliver Sauter

This is an amazing announcement. Just as we talked about it :)

It will really be a massive game changer indeed.

Looking forward to test this - and hope that Coil supports this soon!