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Cover image for Kendraio Pay Progress #1
Daniel Harris for Kendraio

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Kendraio Pay Progress #1

At Kendraio, our goal is to develop, test and create a new way for web monetised content in the music industry. We previously published Kendraio Pay Progress #0.5. And here's the rapid progress we've made since then...

Project Update

  • Integrated with Coil's API to enable Interledger payments without the need for a browser extension.
  • Integrated Web Monetization in our Kendraio Player block.
  • Integrated Coil's OAuth user login process as part of the API.
  • Started developing a transaction tracking tool.
  • Started developing a DDEX (music industry standard) tool for uploading batches of songs to streaming service provider partners. A number of our partners are receiving repertoire from record labels and/or distributors in bulk DDEX form. Decoding the DDEX format requires an understanding of strict XML. We use Kendraio App to help us do this. Stay tuned.
  • Released of our first bounty program to integrate Audiotarky content into Kendraio Player.
  • Various podcasts, articles, and copious discussions with partners.

Progress on objectives

  • Web Monetization Flow block completed.
  • Completed Coil API integration.
  • New partnership with Audiotarky. Our first streaming service provider with Musicoin and Resonate hot on their tails!

Key activities

Communications and marketing

  • We just launched the first of our developer bounties on our social media and also here on the Web Monetisation Community. If you know someone who would like to earn $500 USD by integrating the fair streaming service Audiotarky into Kendraio Player, forward them this link:
  • There will be three more bounties coming up in the future, which we will share on the Kendraio community page, as well as in our public Slack, on our LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
  • We also just published a blog post about how to integrate Coil Web Monetization on mobile -- no browser extension needed, on Medium and here in the community. The post gives you a step-by-step guide on how you can use Coil's API to stream payments from Coil users without their browser needing to have the Coil extension installed, from the initial OAuth setup to payments flowing.

What’s next?

  • Integrate with Uphold API and investigate reading and displaying an artist's balance, and creating payment pointers automatically as part of the bulk song import process.
  • Create a transaction tracking tool.
  • Investigate reporting royalties directly to CMOs.
  • Create a tool to import, edit and export DDEX (music industry standard) files.
  • Investigate revenue splits using different methodologies including smart contracts.

What community support would benefit your project?

  • We're currently looking for artists to test our player, who have published music on Spotify and are registered with a CMO. If you fit these criteria or know someone who does, let us know!
  • We're also looking for developer feedback, specifically on DDEX, Kendraio Player, our Coil API integration, UI/UX...

Relevant links/resources

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