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Zombies, Silly Jokes and Learning — Funding Your Human Resistance Cell After the Apocalypse

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Project overview

I'm writing three JavaScript books for my ongoing series combining web development, silly jokes and zombies ( The first two books are on JavaScript basics preparing my audience for the third book discussing the JavaScript Monetization API.

Project team

John Rhea
Storyteller, Web Designer/Developer, Author, Chief Zombie Smacker

What we are doing

The first book, An Introduction to Programming in JavaScript: Stomping Zombies with Variables, Loops, Functions and More, is out now.

The second book, JavaScript Basics: Flinging Event, Element, and Object Bombs at Zombie Heads, is in the hands of my editor and should be out 5/1/2021

The third book, The JavaScript Monetization API: How to Fund your Human Resistance Cell after the Apocalypse, is nearing completion of the first draft.

I also created a zombie-themed, printable JavaScript Monetization API cheat sheet. You can pick it up either by monetizing in your browser or signing up for my mailing list. (Spam is worse than zombies. Unsubscribe anytime.)

What community support would benefit your project?

I'm always looking for feedback and reviews. Get in touch

Link Round Up!

Grant Report #1
Undead Institute Books and Info
First JavaScript Book
JavaScript Monetization API cheat sheet
Why Zombies?

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