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Interledger Community Call Explained - 11 September 2024

In case you missed the community call on September 11 here is the detailed recap highlighting the People's Clearinghouse project and Web monetization developer guide.

Notes, Recording and Podcast

  • Watch the Meeting recording on Youtube
  • Listen to the podcast for free on SoundCloud here
  • Public note-taking document here

People's Clearinghouse 🏦

Our biggest share out during the community call was the update from People's Clearing House (PCH), that was presented by Roberto Val, Roberto Carlos Cruz Villalba, & Adriana Hernández.

You can listen to the details on youtube and view their presentation here.

Roberto begins the presentation by introducing PCH and describing their work. He emphasizes that transitioning from a cash-based ecosystem to a digital ecosystem can have a significant impact. Directing funds to community banks rather than national corporate banks, can increase local savings and investments, leading to greater access to credit opportunities for local projects. This is essential for developing the local economy.

Roberto Carlos then presented the details on the Cross Network Provider (CNP) and remittance scenario. Here is a general flow of what it would look like -

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Roberto goes into the detail of the CNP and the technical aspects of sending and receiving transfers.

Lastly, Adriana presents on the technical challenges that micro banks go through and how PCH helps. She gives the details on the work and the updates on the LCC connector and API's.

PCH is hoping to have a live demo at the summit, make sure to meet them if you are interested in their project or have any questions!

Tech Updates 💻

The next presentation was from our previous ambassador, Santosh @devcer, who gave us a detailed look at the developer guide to migrating changes in Web Monetization.

You can listen to Santosh on youtube and view his slides here. If you are interested in testing out the private beta version, message Ioana at

Next we had Max Kurapov, @mkurapov one of our skilled software developers, share an insightful explanation about the work week in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Read the details:

You can follow along on the community call recording here.

ILF Updates 🌐

The only major update we have is that Ayden @ferdeline, one of our 2024 ambassadors, working on the Dynamic Coalition on Digital Financial Inclusion has successfully secured a session at this year’s annual United Nations Internet Governance Forum – this is an opportunity to discuss the efforts around digital financial inclusion and showcasing how the Interledger Protocol is contributing to an open, equitable, and accessible financial system.

Read more about the work

Interledger Summit

Save your spot!
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Join us for the Interledger Hackathon

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Where we'll be

Our tech team will be at the following events - if you are there please ping us or say hi!

Thanks everyone for reading!

Don't forget to contribute to the Interledger project on GitHub and give it a ⭐

If you have any feedback or suggestions for the call please fill out this form!

Top comments (1)

gfam profile image

I love this Chiara! Even though I was present for this call, it's so great to get a recap to help refresh the things I learned during this session. The calls often jam-pack a lot in so this is super helpful! Thank you!