I've begun a shelf in StoryToGo's Web Monetization Resource Library of Web Monetization Research / Research Papers: https://storytogo.ca/web-monetization-standard/web-monetization-resource-library/web-monetization-research-papers/
So far I have been compiling this library shelf by scouring through this forum for research that others have shared here, but I am sure I am missing research and research papers that others have shared. If you know of other research that I should be adding to the library, please share it below.
Thanks so much!
Oldest comments (5)
Great work, Erica! This is such a great resource for everyone in the web monetization space.
Thanks Mateo! Tackling the tutorial shelf today!
This is absolutely amazing Erica!
I think the only thing I could think of that you were missing was the blogging platform Write.As and Skittish the virtual venue.
Oh and interledger.org/ for the technical peeps.
Thanks Adam. Those don't belong on this shelf, as it is just for research, but they absolutely do on the main resource page, so I shall add them there. Thank you.