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Rashon Massey for HMCCMW

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Helping Minority Content Creators Monetize on the Web β€” Grant Report #3

Last week, April 06, 2021, I launched my web monetized LIVE show, and it was a complete success!

I really wanted to upload the full episode to Cinnamon; however, with is running 1.75hours and almost 2G in size, I am not sure Cinnamon will be able to successfully allow me to do so; nonetheless, you can Rewatch the episode right on my Coil-enabled YouTube channel here:

I broadcasted the episode to my YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Twitch channels. What I love most about using Restream is the ability to broadcast to multiple channels at once, while having their dashboard filter all the comments into one chat box. It makes the entire live streaming process smooth, with the grand opportunity to meet audience members on their own native turf of choice.

Since I want to keep as many of these workshops as free as possible, I’ll make the transcripts and any handouts, downloads and supplemental information to be made available exclusively to Coil members! This way, I am still rewarding our community with information, resources and engagement that is not publicly shared.

Coming up, this Friday, April 16, 2021 is the next episode of The BEST Live Show!

I’m bringing to life my most popular Coil post to date about Creating a Permeable Brand Presence Online (which you can read here:, while inviting some top-notch CEO’s to join the workshop. With special featured guests including Dave Nemetz (Founder of closing out the session to discuss organic community building and audience retention, the free online event also will see Adam Waring, CEO of our beloved gFam joining me for an exclusive conversation on web monetization, Coil and the benefits of content creators using gFam and understanding the value of their original copyrightable content!

You can RSVP for an email reminder with links to the broadcast at! The show will stream simultaneously across @micopeia on YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and Facebook, starting at 11a EDT, this Friday, April 16, 2021!

If you also recall, I've been mentoring three fellow content creators during my grant period! For the past two weeks, we've held our initial dress rehearsals of Grant Henderson's web monetized series Winners of the Weekend! (Check out this Coil post where I introduce him:

A live streamed show broadcasted to both his Coil-enabled YouTube and Twitch channels, weekly Grant curates a playlist of hot new music, before inviting an esteemed panel of guests to debate the new tracks and declare a best new track/winner of the weekend that following Monday. The video files are large, but I am in the process of having Grant edit a 1min highlight reel to share to Cinnamon. Grant is doing such a phenomenal job, and he will be ready to publicly host the show following the final dress rehearsal next week. I've known Grant for several years, watching this influential entrepreneur grow a collegiate brand and foster a cultural movement. Back when Winners of the Weekend was just a Spotify playlist he curated and shared amongst friends, the Content Creator and Executive Producer in me instantly visualized what the show's potential could be, if we took some cues from ESPN's Around the Horn. I pitched the idea to Grant, and backed with the funding from Grant for the Web, we've really been able to create an original piece of content that we feel can be a major disruptor in the online music and entertainment spaces; moreover, like my own show The BEST Live Show, it is original programming specifically created for web monetization. Weekly, Grant will share the Winners of the Weekend playlist to his Coil blog, with highlights of the episode going on Cinnamon. Follow Grant on Coil here:

My other two content creator friends have been having a much more difficult time finding their footing in this process, and we are having to be honest that maybe Coil isn't really the best option for them as individuals and/or their existing communities. They have been working their tales off for months, strategizing on how to make it make sense; however, one buddy has an existing Patreon and no matter how we structure it...Coil may potentially frustrate his massive existing audience. My other gal pal seems to be way too overwhelmed to even try to take on developing a live broadcast. I was wise not to distribute any of my grant funds to them as stipends per the agreement, until we knew for sure what would be I am happy that no money was lost or misused in this journey for them.

Please make sure you're following MICOPEIA on Coil!

Top comments (2)

ayeshaware profile image
Ayesha Ware

This is exciting news!!

gfam profile image

You're doing incredible work Rashon! The livestream with Ms Alexander was amazing!