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Dr. Carol JVF Burns
Dr. Carol JVF Burns

Posted on

Fun, cartoony COIL video?

I need your help, please! Sometime in the past, I watched a super cute video (?) that explained COIL in a fun way, with cartoon-like characters. Or maybe it was a slide show---maybe connected with one of the grants? (I wish I could remember more details!) I want to link to it from my site---but I can't find it anywhere. I've looked waaaay back thru this site, and I've typed multiple keywords into search engines. Can anyone help me locate this (or a different fun intro to COIL)? I want a simple way to introduce my users to COIL/web monetization and so on. Thanks for any help you can give me!

Top comments (4)

erikad profile image
Erika β€’

Is this what you were thinking of? This is from grantee Artist Rescue Trust. They've just released their entire Web Monetization school, which is a fantastic resource:

onemathematicalcat profile image
Dr. Carol JVF Burns β€’

Nope, that wasn't it... but thanks for pointing me to that!

gfam profile image
gFam β€’

Was it the one on the front of the MG.Social platform?

onemathematicalcat profile image
Dr. Carol JVF Burns β€’

@gfam Nope... but this video will work well for my purposes! Thank you so much!! It's great!!