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Santosh Viswanatham
Santosh Viswanatham

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Announcing Contribution Guides for Web Monetization, Rafiki, and Open Payments!

I am thrilled to announce that we have launched contribution guides for Web Monetization, Rafiki, and Open Payments! 🎉

Over the past few months, I have been focused on solving the challenge of helping contributors who are eager to get involved with Interledger. As part of this initiative, I’ve been creating comprehensive Open Source guides for various projects.

Why Contribution Guides?

The objective of these guides is to provide a clear and accessible pathway for anyone interested in contributing to the Interledger Ecosystem. Whether you're into coding, writing documentation, translation, or joining community calls, there's a place for you to make a meaningful impact. Below are the details of our new Contribution Guides:

🌟 Rafiki

Rafiki and the Testnet have been favorites among contributors for the past two years. We have created a comprehensive "Get Involved" guide for Rafiki, which you can find here.

🌐 Web Monetization

With the latest draft version and the new Web Monetization extension coming up, there are plenty of ways to get involved. Check out the "Get Involved with Web Monetization" guide here.

💸 Open Payments

Open Payments offers another fantastic opportunity for contributors to help build the Open Payments standard. You can find the guide here.

Additionally, If you have not seen it, There is a Get Involved page on the interledger website as well to guide you through other ways to get involved with Interledger. You can find it here.

Continuous Improvement

These guides are just the beginning. If you have additional information to add or new ideas to help people get involved, we welcome your contributions! Feel free to let us know in the comments or even submit a PR to enhance the guides.

Special Thanks

Thank you @laka @mkurapov @sabineschaller @vineel for helping brainstorm the initial content. And a big shoutout to Melissa @huijing @ioana — this wouldn’t have been possible without your support and hard work. 🙌

We hope these guides inspire others to dive in and start contributing. Your skills and passion are what makes a community thrive. Happy contributing! 🎉

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