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Santosh Viswanatham
Santosh Viswanatham

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Web Monetization and Open Source β€” ILF Ambassador Final Report

Project Update

I'm glad to share the progress and achievements during my ambassadorship. Here are some highlights:

  • πŸ“š Get Involved guides for Web Monetization, Rafiki, and Open payments are live now
  • πŸ“ Authored a Developer Guide for migrating Web Monetization code to the latest draft
  • πŸ… Built the Open Badges Recognition Program.
  • 🎀 Delivered talks at Fossasia 2024 and JSNation 2024.
  • πŸ”„ Migrated react-monetize to the latest spec: GitHub Pull Request.
  • Participated in CityJS Singapore by being a part of the Web Monetization Booth
  • Engaged with the Web Monetization working group during the Web Monetization Workweek in January 2024.
  • Virtually participated in the Web Monetization Workweek this July.
  • πŸ“– Developed an Open Source Guide to discuss challenges and improve pathways and communication.
  • πŸ› οΈ Updated the libraries list on the Web Monetization site.

Progress on Objectives, Key Activities

Here is an update on the objectives and the activities undertaken to meet those objectives:

  1. Guide Development πŸ“

    • Created comprehensive guides for getting involved with Web Monetization, Rafiki, and Open Payments.
    • Authored migration guidelines to help developers transition to the latest Web Monetization specifications.
  2. Open Badges Program πŸŽ‰

    • Developed and launched a recognition program to acknowledge contributors within the Web Monetization community.
    • These Open Badges were issued during the recently concluded Hackathon in Cape Town, South Africa.
  3. Conference Engagement 🎀

    • Delivered talks at major tech conferences such as Fossasia 2024 and JSNation 2024, expanding awareness and engagement with Web Monetization.
    • Part of the Web Monetization Booth at CityJS Singapore
  4. Library Migration πŸ”„

    • Successfully migrated WM libraries to the latest Web Monetization specification, ensuring compatibility and future-proofing the ecosystem.
  5. Community Participation πŸ‘₯

    • Participated in Web Monetization workweeks, both in-person and virtually, contributing to ongoing discussions and developments.
  6. Documentation and Resources πŸ“–

    • Created and updated essential for various repos under Interledger Github, making them accessible to developers worldwide.

Project Impact & Target Audience(s)

My tech talks at conferences in Fossasia and JSNation reached a wide and geographically diverse audience(Asia and Europe). With this, I was able to introduce Web Monetization (WM) to both students and working professionals. The Get Involved guides I created to cater to both tech and non-tech individuals of all age groups.

During the Hacktoberfest Campaign, my outreach successfully engaged over 1300 participants, including a significant number from diverse backgrounds, such as People of Color. This global participation resulted in substantial code contributions from eight countries across four continents, fostering a collaborative spirit across multiple Interledger repositories during Hacktoberfest. Moreover, participating in Hacktoberfest has created a gateway for individuals worldwide to engage with a more inclusive and innovative community, committed to fostering global financial inclusion and equitable opportunities. 🌍

Fossasia 2024

Communications and Marketing has been an excellent platform, along with social media, to share my progress and insights:

Additionally, my talks at Fossasia 2024 and JSNation 2024 allowed me to reach a wider developer audience, introducing them to Web Monetization. Being a part of the WM Booth at CityJS allowed me to introduce WebMonetization to a focused Javascript developer audience.

What’s Next?

As my ambassadorship concludes, here’s what I plan to do next:

  • Support the Launch of Open Badges: Assist in the successful rollout and adoption of the Open Badges Recognition Program.
  • Maintain WM Libraries: Continue maintaining the Web Monetization libraries for which I have taken ownership.
  • Community Involvement: Stay actively involved in the Web Monetization community, participating in discussions, meetups and workweeks.
  • Spread the Word: Introduce Web Monetization at relevant community meetups and conferences to expand its reach and adoption.

Community Support

I am incredibly grateful for the continuous encouragement and support from the entire ILF team, previous and current ambassadors, grantees, and community members. I am truly humbled to be part of this incredible community.

Special thanks to Alex, Ayesha, Chris, Lawil, and Vineel for always supporting and helping me throughout my ambassadorship. Thank you, Ioana, Although you joined recently, you have helped me fast-track my objectives and reach a wider audience with my ambassadorship.

Additional Comments

This ambassadorship has been a rewarding experience, allowing me to build lifelong relationships and contribute to an innovative and inclusive ecosystem. I am excited about the future of ILP and Web Monetization and eager to continue this journey. Hope I get an opportunity to work together soon.

Top comments (1)

lwlkarama profile image
Lawil Karama

Thank you @devcer it was an amazing read and it was amazing to have you as an Ambassador