The Interledger Community 🌱

David Lockie
David Lockie

Posted on

Simple Web Monetization for WordPress by Interledger

You can now Web Monetize your WordPress site super simply by using our new Simple Web Monetization for WordPress by Interledger plugin.

The plugin is installed like any other WordPress plugin (just upload the ZIP file you download from Github).

You can then choose an existing charity payment pointer or enter your own payment pointer. Once that’s done, simply enable WM by clicking a radio button and that’s it! Your whole WordPress site is now Web Monetized!

See the repo read me for more details :)

Oldest comments (2)

laka profile image
Alex Lakatos

The repo is private I think, when I try to access it I get a 404.

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Hi David,

I am getting a 404 error on your link here.