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Cover image for My invitation to MozFest
Philo van Kemenade for Gradual

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My invitation to MozFest

Hi everyone!

The participatory festival ethos combined with the focus on Internet Health and Trustworthy AI make MozFest one of those rare events I keep on coming back to each year.

This year I am particularly excited, not least because of the many ways Web Monetization is getting a stage. I'd like to highlight a couple of ways you can get involved πŸ™Œ

How to enhance peer2peer learning with peer2peer payments?

On Monday 7 March 19.00-20.00 CET, I am hosting a workshop to explore ways to enhance peer2peer learning with peer2peer payments. I'd love to get your insights! πŸ’‘

Emergent Sessions

With our project Gradual - part of the current GftW cohort πŸŽ‰ - we are powering a brand new festival track for Emergent Sessions!

Sometimes you come up with a great idea for a session during the festival. Here's your chance to connect with others based on a spontaneous thought, a shared interest, a creative spark, a question or whatever else that inspires you! ⚑

This will be a great opportunity to learn with others and share your insights on Web Monetization and beyond 🌈

Check out what's alive at MozFest and express your own interests at:

From Arts & Culture to AI and back: how can we build a two-way street?

This session might be for you if you share my interest for the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Arts & Culture. 🎨

On Thursday 10 March 14:45 - 15:45 CET I am teaming up with Randi Cecchine, to ask question like:

What could a reciprocal relationship between Machine Learning and Cultural Heritage look like? How can those employing and applying AI technologies embrace the powerful perspectives offered by artists critiquing the status quo? What can machine learning engineers learn from the way museums, libraries and archives collect and maintain data?

The Grand Web Monetization Experiment

@ericahargreave has written an excellent introduction to the Grand Web Monetization Experiment and is doing an amazing job at collecting educational resources to help people get involved! πŸ€—

Top comments (1)

gunnar profile image
Gunnar de Jong

Here we go!! Looking forward to connecting with people there! :)