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Cover image for The Future|Money Grant Application is now live!
Kokayi Walker for Interledger Foundation

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The Future|Money Grant Application is now live!

The Future|Money Arts & Culture Grants β€˜23

The application is now open. You can apply here. The deadline for submissions is Monday, April 3, 2023 at 11:59 pm EST.

FUTURE|MONEY, the first open grant opportunity for 2023, seeks artists of any discipline to reimagine outdated financial systems that currently exclude 1.7 billion people from accessing essential services to make and receive payments. We ask artists to envision a world where financial systems were built to serve everyone, everywhere, always. Where borders aren’t barriers to supporting each other financially as well as emotionally. Where services aren’t built in silos and organizations are intentionally interoperable. All expressions of that future are welcomed.

This grant opportunity will fund up to eight (8) projects at $25,000 USD for a eight months project timeline. The final results will be exhibited during the ILF Summit 2023; travel stipend for the artist will be provided by the Interledger Foundation.

All proposals will need to articulate:

  • Portfolio with samples of the applicant/artist's work done within the past six years.
  • Design a brief on what the artists seek to achieve with this grant funding and how it aligns with the Interledger Foundation FUTURE|MONEY brief.
  • A practical work plan outlining key milestones, timelines and intended use of grant funds to bring the project to fruition.

We understand that artists need the ability to access unrestricted resources. These resources provided artists with the ability to create or continue work, purchase supplies and equipment, pay for life, and elevate their careers. This simultaneously assists in raising their profile within the local and global communities interacting with their work.

Artists are the creators and curators of culture, bringing to life the expressions of community voices, ideas and passions. The demographic of artists spans from the underrepresented and underfunded to the wealthy and always heard, impacting a myriad of social and political groups.

Future|Money Office Hours Sessions

We invite you to attend one or more weekly Office Hours Sessions for the FUTURE|MONEY open call for proposals, you can register here. This is a great opportunity to drop in to ask questions you may have about the Call for Proposals.

About Interledger Foundation

The Interledger Foundation (ILF) believes that financial inclusion is a right, not a privilege and that financial systems should work for everyone, everywhere. We are stewards of the Interledger Protocol or ILP, an open standard, built on the interconnectivity of the web to create an open payments network, making all systems and services interoperable, inclusive and accessible.

We are building a community of creators and innovators to realize a future where how you earn or share money and where you live do not impact the financial services you can access. We recognise the critical role of artists in reflecting the voice of communities, excluded from systems that do not serve them.

Our ambition for global financial inclusion relies on visionary artists to imagine a future where it already exists. To inspire people to believe change is possible and activate change in old systems, with new thinking.

Here is a resource guide to learn more about this grant and Interledger Foundation.

Good Luck!

Top comments (3)

radhyr profile image

Good luck everyone 🀞

spazecraft profile image

This is amazing and in complete alignment with the work I’m evolving. Looking forward to the deep dive into the submission process.

alain profile image
Alain Doucet

Fantastic! Great job everybody