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Cover image for Unit 1 of the Web Monetization Course is Live!
Erica Hargreave for Sustainable Funding

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Unit 1 of the Web Monetization Course is Live!

Hello Everyone,

I've been working on developing a Web Monetization Course utilizing resources that we've built through StoryToGo, along with other community built resources. My goal with this course is to help grow and foster our community and draw eyes to what we are all developing.

Unit 1 of the Course on Web Monetization is now live! This Unit includes the following lessons:

Let me know if there are things that I have missed or things that you would add or change.

Future Units that I am planning include: Web Monetizing a Website, Web Monetizing Digital Videos, Web Monetizing Digital Games, Web Monetizing an Event, Web Monetizing Your Podcast, Web Monetized Social Networking Platforms, and NFTs.

Again, please let me know if you have suggestions of other Units I should be building into the course.

My goal with this course is for it to be a dynamic, adapting, and evolving beast - meaning that it will grow, change, and evolve with the community. So please tell me what I should be adding in or changing as our community itself grows, adapts, and evolves. I am by no means aware of all that is being built so if I've missed something my apologies, and just let me know so I can add it.

Thank you!

Top comments (5)

radhyr profile image

Great job Erica! Looking forwards for more of your courses in the community!

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Thanks Radhy. Hopefully I will have another Unit done later this week.

radhyr profile image

Cool! Looking forwards to see more EricaπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

casey_herd profile image
Casey Herd

This is great Erica! Thank you so much!

ericahargreave profile image
Erica Hargreave

Oh good. Glad you like it, Casey. You are most welcome.