This week we're doubling up on the highlights with plenty of grant reports, grantee profiles, community events and new details on how you can attend the ILP Summit in New Orleans. Plus! Meet our newest Ambassador.
Grant Reports
Victoria Coker for Black Web Fest shares the obstacles and new developments in progress report
Black Web Fest x Web Monetization - Grant Report #1
Victoria Coker ・ Aug 6 '22 ・ 4 min read
Before applying for the grant, I did some research and community outreach. The community outreach was extremely helpful. I got to learn about Interledger Foundation, Coil, and the community. Although I did research, I had some missteps with this project. I was not even a month in and had to submit a budget reallocation form and change of scope. My first hiccup was around legal. As part of the Interledger community, I saw New Media Rights' fantastic work and their offerings before receiving the grant. I didn't initially realize that Black Web Fest was out of their jurisdiction because we're a NY-based organization. Not shortly after receiving the grant, I connected with their team, who suggested I find a NY-based firm with contest and sweepstakes experience. So, I found a local firm open to working within the short turnaround time. Unfortunately, I estimated legal fees would be close to 1% of the project cost, but it actually cost near 10%. These agreements were essential because they not only protected Black Web Fest but ensured creators submitted their work and understood the rules of competition in advance. Reallocating these funds was a critical change to the success of the program. One of the key things I learned from working with the law firm was extending a contest outside of your country can be very nuanced because of taxes and local laws. We were limited to accepting submissions from the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec).
Erika Kitzmiller writes about the evolving of 11/30 Youth Collective formerly known as Central PA Info Hub in final report
11/30 Youth Collaborative
Erika Kitzmiller for Central PA Info Hub ・ Aug 8 '22 ・ 5 min read
Project Update
Our project began as a journalism website and has evolved into a youth-driven first-person storytelling project that showcases the voices and stories of individuals who call Chambersburg, a small town in Central Pennsylvania home. Our project aims to present a fuller picture of the community for the community. You can access the site here: https://1130youthcollaborative.orgProgress on objectives
As we stated before, our project started as a journalism project but after deep consideration of the community's needs, we evolved into a first-person, youth-driven site.
We have published a variety of pieces: poems about racial inequity, interviews about racial justice advocacy, first-person narratives about growing up as a nonwhite youth in a majority-white community, and films documenting LGBTQ+ lives and advocacy. We have also incorporated book reviews that feature Appalachian authors who have written about the themes and ideas in our work.
Patrick Rahy for Kult details the projects journey in final report
Kult — Grant Report #2
Patrick Rahy for Kult ・ Aug 4 '22 ・ 7 min read
Project Update
Hello guys! We are glad to share with the Community Kult's Final report. It was a fun and challenging journey, and we enjoyed every second of it!
Progress on objectives
Since the Interim Report, we delivered new important features:
- Internationalization: Kult is now an international platform as it can be used by anyone in English or Portuguese – the app/website will automatically use your preferred language. This is an important step to bring more people to our community and it was one of our milestones as Grantees.
- Accessibility improvements: we added alt text to images and buttons, making Kult more accessible for people with disabilities. We also created a keyboard shortcut (press "A" to open it) for every interaction on Kult (image below). Now it is possible to navigate Kult using only the keyboard, which is a major accessibility milestone.
Victoria Baines for DEMOS writes about the completion of The Costs of Creation project in final report
The Costs of Creation: What is a Desirable Future for Monetised Online Work? — Grant Report #2
Victoria Baines ・ Aug 4 '22 ・ 3 min read
Project Update
Demos is pleased to inform the Grant for the Web community that our project has been completed and is available for all to see (and take part in!)
Our project sought to understand what a fair and desirable future for web monetisation looks like in the eyes of those on no or low pay from their online labour. This has come to fruition with the launch of our report, 'The Costs of Creation', an accompanying microsite (where you can offer your thoughts on what this future should look like), social media animation and graphics.Progress on objectives
We aimed to measure our project’s success primarily through two metrics: how many perspectives were represented and mapped through the project, and the level of engagement with our findings generated through our networks of civil society, government, standards setting bodies and industry.
On the first front, as our interim report highlighted, having completed the research itself, we can confidently say we have mapped a large range of perspectives for two reasons.
Firstly, we managed to include an optimum number of participants to match the research design. Moreover, these were chosen after careful, extensive consideration and prior research into who ought to be included, giving us a detailed sense of the perspectives that ought to be (and could be) in scope.
Secondly, our research methodology - combining a deliberative focus group format with the online polling tool Polis - has worked successfully. This methodology has allowed us to collate, in detail, the perspectives of the large range of participants in the research in two formats: transcriptions of discussions and Polis voting data.
Project Alquimetricos - ecotechnological toys #OER looks back at year in final report
Article No Longer Available
Project Update
Hello again! It’s amazing to look back and see a whole year of evolution for us, and how the GFTW initiative helped us to make our project grow.
For those who don’t know us yet, we are an open and collaborative community of educators, designers, artists, and innovators focused on making STEAM education available and affordable to low-income communities. Alquimétricos develop Open Educational Resources (OERs) in the form of building-blocks systems and educational content based upon that tech. So learning about tech, science and arts can be fun, affordable, and sustainable.
The GFTW program enabled the development of the Alquimétricos LAB digital platform ( and the launch of a STEAM Educators Social Call for teachers working in vulnerable communities along Brazil.Progress on objectives
- As we mentioned, our complete platform is now online filled with free and paid content.
- The STEAM Educators Social Call was also carried out. 50 educators from all the regions of Brazil were selected and received free access to the platform and Alquimétricos training via Coil accounts.
- The site concept and content development workflow were designed from scratch to match the WM concept, tech, and possibilities
Adam W. for gfam.Live completes milestones and worked towards solving several problems in final report — Grant Report #2
gFam for ・ Aug 1 '22 ・ 10 min read
Hi everyone!
This is our final grant report for the January 2022 Grant for the Web Public Call as a Flagship awardee. We have completed the milestones in our project and we absolutely massively appreciate this opportunity provided by Grant for the Web. It's just an incredible program.
Throughout the project, we've been very focused on working towards solving these problems:
Introduce Web Monetization to the content creator ecosystem in an easily understandable way using a familiar format.
Enable creators to monetize their content without needing to resort to brand deals, sponsors, advertisements, merchandise, courses, subscribers, etc.
The platform to try and solve these problems is We have built a variety of functions to bring more content creators into the world of web monetization, and functions to assist creators to monetize their content.
Many thanks to 11/30 Youth Collective formerly known as Central PA Info Hub, Kult, DEMOS, Alquimetricos - ecotechnological toys #OER, and gfam.Live for being part Grant for the Web-Interledger Foundation community. We hope you’ll continue to share project updates here on the community space.
The Grantee Report
The Grantee Report is an ongoing weekly series highlighting a Grantee sharing with our community details about their project. Over the last few weeks we highlighted grantee projects Itadi and Story Synth.
The Grantee Report: Story Synth
Ayesha Ware for Interledger Foundation ・ Aug 11 '22 ・ 1 min read
Story Synth Microgrants initiative, brought to you by Big Bad Con, offers game developers the opportunity to web monetize their games via its storytelling game platform. To date, 59 of the targeted 100 microgrants have been given, valued at $300 each; and added Web Monetization functionality to its platform, providing developers with varied approaches to use. Read more about this project here.
The Grantee Report: Itadi
Ayesha Ware for Interledger Foundation ・ Jul 27 '22 ・ 1 min read
ITADIDigital Farming Sustainable Initiative is an innovative and explorative project incorporating Web Monetization with farming and linking communities worlds apart. Check out the journey of creating a mututally beneficial ecosystem in the Coffee and Cocoa industries; how digital tipping is being utilised to enable micropayments to farmers and more here.
Community Events
Andrzej Mazur for Enclave Games announces Web Monetization category with Coil
Web Monetization category with Coil in js13kGames 2022!
Andrzej Mazur for Enclave Games ・ Aug 4 '22 ・ 2 min read
We’re happy to officially announce the fourth year of the Web Monetization category in the js13kGames competition, along with $1300 cash up for grabs by the best participating entries!
The very first edition in 2019 was organized with Coil’s ( support directly, the 2020 and 2021 editions were part of the Grant for the Web program, and now we’re back to Coil again.
Click the link above to learn how you can participate.
Adelya Latifulina for Gib invites you to Gib Vid Screening on August 12.
Gib Screening Invite! 8.12 BK
Adelya Latifulina for Gib ・ Aug 1 '22 ・ 1 min read
If you’re in Brooklyn, please join the Gib Team as they present their 'first explainer video that summarizes the work our team has done to build "the giftcard for the Internet" aka monetized link sharing'. To attend, please RSVP here!.
Gunnar de Jong of Gradual announce upcoming sessions and want you to showcase your work
Hey everyone! Hope you're all having a wonderful summer (or winter, depending on your location).
I'm here to announce some exciting upcoming sessions as well as share a tutorial created by Adam, one of the current cohort grantees.
If you haven't registered your specific interests, needs or things you would like to share yet, or if you'd simply like to add some new skills, you can join us here:
Upcoming Sessions
Digital Gardening with Tani Olhanoski and the Mysilio team
Friday, August 12th, 2022 at 7-8 PM CET
Tani Olhanoski and the Mysilio team will share some insights and showcase some ideas and work around digital gardening and Tani's exciting exquisite garden initiative.
Ways to web monetize your work: examples from the community
Friday, September 9th, 2022 at 4-5 PM CET
A show and tell for all current and past gftw grantees to showcase implementations of web monetization in their projects to get each other excited!
Attend the ILP Summit in New Orleans, November 12-13!
Announcing the Interledger Summit 2022!
Ayesha Ware for Interledger Foundation ・ Jul 25 '22 ・ 2 min read
Interested in attending the ILP Summit in November, here’s your chance to apply for our Travel Grant. We are facilitating up to 20 members of our community, from near and far, to attend the Summit via our expense paid Travel Grant Award.
Share your expertise with the Interledger Community this November! Serve as Summit speaker, session facilitator, presenter, and/or part of a panel discussion at the ILP Summit 2022.
Opportunities include sessions 20-60minutes in duration, you decide!
To be considered, please fill out our call for papers via
Need more info!
Attend Office Hours Sessions for the new call for Speakers and Travel Grant for ILP Summit 2022
Vineel R. Pindi for Interledger Foundation ・ Aug 2 '22 ・ 2 min read
We are also offering info sessions, this a great opportunity to get all the details and ask any question you have about the summit.
- Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 6:00 pm Pacific / 9:00 pm EDT / 1:00 UTC
- Wednesday, August 23, 2022 at 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm EDT / 6:00 pm UTC
Register here for one or both info sessions.
Can’t wait to see ya’ll in New Orleans!
Meet our new Ambassador!
We are happy to announce that GftW Grantee Erica Hargreave as our newest Interledger Foundation Community Ambassador.
Goals that Make Me Smile in my New Role as an ILF Community Ambassador
Erica Hargreave for Grant for the Web ・ Aug 11 '22 ・ 2 min read
Erica writes about her new role...
Feeling rather fortunate to be continuing to share my passions for building financial equity and sustainable funding solutions for digital creatives, the Web Monetization Standard, and Interledger, now as an Interledger Foundation Community Ambassador.
Some of Erica's Goals as Ambassador include:
- creating introductory overview / 'how to' videos and blog posts on different Web Monetized platforms and tools
- editing and sharing the Web Monetized Podcast recorded at MozFest to different audio and video platforms, including Free Music Archive
- building asynchronous online course materials on the Web Monetization Standard and ILP enabled open payments to some more mainstream online course platforms
- sharing the above materials in a variety of niche communities that target the groups mentioned in my goals above
Erica will continue to engage the community to share ideas, educational materials and more. So please take a few moments to congratulate and welcome Erica as Ambassador.
Have a great weekend!
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